
Christiane Northrup, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Vermont, wrote in the 1998 edition of her book Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing, that:

“It has been my clinical experience that many women get relief of symptoms such as menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, breast pain, and endometriosis pain when they stop consuming dairy foods. This is not true for everyone, but it works often enough to be worth a try. Though it’s not clear why dairy foods seem to be associated with women’s pelvic symptoms, I have a few theories. One possible explanation is that most milk today is produced by cows treated with BGH (bovine growth hormone)… Both hormone and antibiotic residues in the milk may stimulate the female hormonal system in some way we are not yet able to pinpoint…

Some women equate menstrual cramps and PMS, but PMS is different from menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea). This difference is not always clearly stated in writings on PMS. Many women with PMS have completely pain-free periods. Many women with severe cramping have no premenstrual distress…

A variety of nutritional factors contribute to PMS…[One of these factors is] high consumption of dairy products.”