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Should Humans Consume Dairy Milk?
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Milk, as Encyclopaedia Britannica explains, is a “liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young for a period beginning immediately after birth.” While cow milk is the most commonly consumed milk globally, sheep and goat milk are prevalent in southern Europe and the Mediterranean, camel milk is popular in the Middle East and Northern Africa, and water buffalo milk is typical in South Asia. Less common dairy animals include yaks, horses, reindeer, and donkeys[1][2]

Researchers are unsure exactly when humans began consuming dairy milk. The earliest evidence dates to ​​the seventh millennium (7000 to 6001 BCE) in what is now Turkey. Milk residue found in pottery points to milk consumption in eastern Europe as early as the sixth millennium (6000 to 5001 BCE) and in Britain as early as the fourth millennium (4000 to 3001 BCE). [3]

Dairy products (those made from any dairy animal’s milk) include butter, flavored milks, ice cream, yogurt, cheeses, butter, and cream, among other products. Milk is also a common ingredient in other food products, including salad dressings, potato chips, and hot dogs. Though frequently stored in the dairy section of grocery stores, eggs are not dairy and do not contain milk. [4][5][6]

Milk purchased in American stores is normally both pasteurized and homogenized. Developed by Louis Pasteur in the 1860s for beer and wine, pasteurization is a process of heating and cooling a product to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, like those that cause tuberculosis]. In addition to milk, beer, and wine, products including eggs, juice, kombucha, nuts, flour, cider, and deli meats are frequently pasteurized. Homogenization, patented by August Gaulin in 1899, breaks up the fat globules in milk to distribute fat evenly throughout the liquid so the cream will not rise to the top. [7][8][9]

Milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized is called raw milk. U.S. federal law bans the sale of raw milk over state lines, but individual states may set their own regulations, including the sale of raw milk in stores or at the farm point of origin, cow- or herd-share agreements, and bans on the sale of raw milk for human consumption. [10]

Plant-based milks, including almond, oat, and soy, are not technically “milk,” but milk replacements or alternatives. These milks may seem new but have been around for centuries. Production of almond milk was recorded in the Middle East in the 13th century and soy milk in China in 1365. [11]

For more on the history of milk, see “ProCon’s Historical Timeline: History of Cow’s Milk from the Ancient World to the Present.”

Pros and Cons at a Glance

Pro 1: Dairy milk is an important part of a healthy diet for everyone. Read More.Con 1: Humans do not need to consume dairy milk to be healthy. Read More.
Pro 2: Dairy milk is an easy, nutritional drink that is available almost everywhere. Read More.Con 2: Dairy milk is bad for the environment. Read More.
Pro 3: Dairy milk protects against disease and other health problems in older adults. Read More.Con 3: Dairy milk is bad for human health. Read More.

Pro Arguments

 (Go to Con Arguments)

Pro 1: Dairy milk is an important part of a healthy diet for everyone.

The current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans states, “Healthy dietary patterns feature dairy, including fat-free and low-fat (1%) milk, yogurt, and cheese.” Because approximately 90% of the American population consumes less dairy than recommended, “most individuals would benefit by increasing intake of dairy in fat-free or low-fat forms, whether from milk (including lactose-free milk), yogurt, and cheese.” [12]

The guidelines also state that water, 100% juice, and milk are the primary beverages people should consume for the best consideration of calorie and nutrient intake. [12]

One serving (equal to one cup) of dairy milk contains significant amounts of 13 essential nutrients: 25% daily value (DV) for calcium, 16% DV for protein, 15% DV for vitamin D, 20% DV for phosphorus, 15% DV for vitamin A, 30% DV for riboflavin, 50% DV for vitamin B12, 20% DV for pantothenic acid, 15% DV for niacin, 10% DV for zinc, 10% DV for selenium, 60% DV for iodine, and 10% DV for potassium. [13][14]

The USDA recommends 3 cups of dairy daily for everyone older than nine. Toddlers (12 to 23 months) should consume 1 ⅔ to 2 cups of milk daily; two- to three-year-olds, 2 to 2 ½ cups; and four- to eight-year olds, 2 ½ cups. [13][14]

Pro 2: Dairy milk is an easy, nutritional drink that is available almost everywhere.

“Milk and dairy foods tend to be affordable and accessible food choices for meeting some nutrients of public health concerns, meaning nutrients we tend to not get enough of—specifically calcium, vitamin D, and potassium,” explains Debbie Petitpain, a registered dietician and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. [15]

While calcium is found in a number of other foods, those products can be difficult to obtain and prepare, especially for people living in low-access areas or who are on budgets. For example, an article lists the following calcium-rich foods: “collards, kale, turnips, mustard greens, bok choy, chia seeds, tahini, almond butter, and edamame.” Just about every store that sells any food will have milk. But how many sell tahini, asks Brown? And how many rushed parents know what to do with chia seeds? How many kids (or adults) will eat turnips? [15]

Further, quite a few people do not have regular access to fresh produce, eliminating at least five of the nine options above. People living in Robertson County, Kentucky, were limited to buying food at a gas station, a convenience store, or a dollar store where fresh food options are severely limited. Dairy milk products are one of the most healthful foods those residents have regular access to. [16]

At least 40% of the world’s population (about three billion people) could not afford to eat healthfully before the COVID-19 pandemic, a percentage likely higher post-pandemic due to price spikes, supply-line disturbances, and other disruptions. Rallying against an easy, nutritious staple such as milk makes no sense. [17]

Pro 3: Dairy milk protects against disease and other health problems in older adults.

While the health benefits of milk for the young are usually praised, milk is also important for aging adults.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institute on Aging state, “Consuming dairy helps older adults maintain strong bones and provides several vital nutrients, including calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. For your heart health, pick from the many low-fat or fat-free choices in the dairy group. These give you important vitamins and minerals, with less fat.” [18]

The USDA adds, “Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is particularly important . . . for women in the post-menopausal period when rapid bone remodeling occurs.” [12]

A 2018 study published in The Lancet found that 35- to 75-year-olds who consumed more than two servings of full-fat dairy daily had a lower risk of heart disease than those who consumed less than half a serving. [19]

Con Arguments

 (Go to Pro Arguments)

Con 1: Humans do not need to consume dairy milk to be healthy.

“The [USDA] recommended three cups per day of dairy milk is too high for most people. Humans do not need dairy milk in order to get all of the nutrients needed in a healthy diet,” according to Allison Childress, Chief Clinical Dietitian at the Nutrition and Metabolic Health Institute. [15]

Drinking dairy milk for the 13 essential nutrients it boasts is essentially a cheat method because Americans do not consume enough fruits and vegetables. People who eat more fruits and vegetables consume the same nutrients in more healthful and diverse foods. [15]

According to, Christopher Gardner, Professor and Nutrition Researcher at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, “What are the unique nutrients that dairy has that nothing else has? Nothing…. It is true calcium is easier to get from milk than just about anything else. That is totally true. But you can get calcium from lots of other things.” [20]

Consuming dairy milk as an adult is also not a popular dietary choice. As Harvard University endocrinologist Walter Willett explains, “There are some nomadic [people] like Mongolian or Maasai that do drink milk, but most of the world’s population does not consume milk after infancy.” Moreover, a cow’s milk is meant for a baby cow, not humans. [20]

Con 2: Dairy milk is bad for the environment.

Cows account for 30.6% of global human-made methane emissions. By comparison, fossil fuels make up 35.9% of global emissions, and these are generally thought of as climate change culprits. We should be just as concerned about these cow-based emissions. [21]

Methane, released by ruminant animals (among other sources), is considered the second most important greenhouse gas to control after carbon dioxide. [21]

Dairy-based products should also concern us. Cheese production ranks only behind lamb and beef in carbon dioxide emissions and is responsible for 13.5 kilos of carbon dioxide (CO2) per kilo of product produced. A kilo of cheese (about 2.2 pounds) has approximately the same carbon footprint as driving 34 miles. Eating 30 grams of cheese three to five times a week for a year has the same carbon footprint as driving 514 miles or heating a home for 31 days. [22][23][24][25]

Dairy milk also has a much larger overall environmental impact than plant-based dairy alternatives, like soy and oat milk. Per liter, dairy milk creates 10.65 kilograms (kg) of eutrophication, uses 628 liters of water, and requires 8.95 square miles. By comparison, the next highest in each category: rice milk creates 4.69kg of eutrophication, almond milk uses 371.46 liters of water, and oat milk requires 0.76 square miles. [26]

According to John Lynch, who researches climate effects of meat and dairy production at Oxford University, “There are big climate risks for all of us if we don’t get on top of food system emissions.” [21]

Con 3: Dairy milk is bad for human health.

Lactose intolerance (or malabsorption) means humans cannot properly digest dairy. When consuming dairy goes against basic food-tolerance patterns, it cannot be healthy. 

Americans eat and drink a significant amount of full-fat dairy, which is high in saturated fat and increases the risk of cardiovascular (heart) disease. Cheese is also high in sodium (found in salt), which increases high blood pressure risks. Dairy products like ice cream and flavored milks can also be high in sugar, which can cause obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressures, liver disease, stroke, and inflammation. [15][28]

Additionally, some research points to a correlation between milk consumed in childhood and adult bone fractures. Dairy milk causes bones to grow faster and longer in childhood, which in turn makes bones easier to break. [29]

How Milk Gets from the Cow to the Store

Although some dairies have their own unique methods of milk production, most dairies in the United States follow the eight-step process seen below.

The top five milk producing states in 2019 were California, Idaho, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin. These states produced over 50% of the country’s milk. In 2019, 218,382 million pounds of milk were produced in the US.

Step One: Rearing

Dairy cows typically spend their days eating, sleeping, and ruminating (chewing their cud). Cows in some dairy farms wander around and eat fresh grass (grazing). In other farms, they are fed grain, hay, or silage (conserved forage) and remain all day in close quarters known as confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), some of which house thousands of animals.

Many large dairy farms utilize growth hormones and antibiotics during the rearing process to artificially increase a cow’s milk production and to decrease the spread of infectious diseases among their cows.

Most US dairy cows are Holsteins (the black and white cows seen in the photo below), though Jersey cows (the brown cows in the photo above) and other crossbreeds are also used. In 2019, there were 9,336 milk cows in the United States. Each cow produced an average of 23,391 pounds of milk.

Step Two: Harvesting

Hand-Milking: A cow is ready to be milked when her udder is full. The farmer has some flexibility when making a schedule of cow milking times. Usually, cows are milked in the early morning and again in the late afternoon. It is possible to milk a cow by hand. However, milking a whole herd of cows twice a day in this manner would take a great deal of time and energy. Before the invention of milking machines, people milked their dairy cows by hand by squeezing gently on the cow’s teats using the thumb and forefinger. Some people continue to milk by hand.

Machine-Milking: Cows are normally milked at least twice a day. Milking time takes about five minutes per cow depending on the type of machine and the amount of milk the cow is producing. Most dairies have enough machines to milk more than 20 cows at one time. Milking machines mimic the action of a young calf by creating a pulsating vacuum around the teat, which causes the milk to be released from the udder.

Step Three: Storing

Milk storage vats or silos are refrigerated and come in various shapes and sizes. Milk is usually stored on the farm at 39 degrees Fahrenheit, or colder, for no more than 48 hours. Vats and silos are agitated to make sure that the entire volume remains cold and that the milkfat does not separate from the milk. After milk has been collected, storage vats and stainless steel pipes are thoroughly cleaned before the farmer milks again.

Step Four: Transportation

Milk is collected from the farm every 24 or 48 hours. The tankers that are used have special stainless steel bodies which are heavily insulated to keep the milk cold during transportation to the processing factory. Milk tanker drivers are accredited milk graders, qualified to evaluate the milk prior to collection. Tanker drivers grade and if necessary reject milk based on temperature, sight, and smell. A representative sample is collected from each farm pickup prior to being pumped onto the tanker. After collection, milk is transported to factory sites and stored in refrigerated silos before processing.

Step Five: Lab Testing

Whole milk, once approved for use, is pumped into storage silos where it undergoes pasteurization, homogenization, separation and further processing.

Pasteurization: Every particle of milk is heated to a specific temperature for a specified period of time and cooling it again without allowing recontamination.

Homogenization: Raw milk is pushed through an atomizer to form tiny particles so that the fat is dispersed evenly throughout the milk, stopping the fat from floating to the top of the container.

Separation: The milk is spun through a centrifuge to separate the cream from the milk. After separation, the cream and remaining milk are remixed to provide the desired fat content for the different types of milk being produced. For whole milk the cream is reintroduced until the fat content reaches 3.25%. For low fat milk the fat content is 1%. For skim milk (sometimes called nonfat milk) the fat content is .05%.

Further Processing: This step may involve micro-filtration, increasing the storage life by ultra high temperature (UHT) treatment, and mixing or culturing milk for flavored and yogurt products.

Step Seven: Packaging

Now the milk is ready to be packaged for delivery to the stores. The milk travels through pipes to the automatic packaging machines that fills and seals the milk into paper cartons or plastic jugs. As the containers move through the assembly line, a date is printed on each of them to show how long the milk will stay fresh.

Step Eight: Selling

After packaging, the milk is finally ready for the customers, and it is stored in a big, refrigerated room until it is delivered to stores to be sold. [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]

State-by-State Raw Milk Laws

States may adopt their own laws on raw milk sales. Most states have state-wide laws, but a few leave decisions to local governments. At the federal level, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) bans the interstate sale or distribution of raw milk. All milk sold across state lines must be pasteurized and meet the standards of the US Pasteurized Milk Ordinance.

According to U.S. Federal Regulation 21 CFR § 1240.61, “No person shall cause to be delivered into interstate commerce or shall sell, otherwise distribute, or hold for sale or other distribution after shipment in interstate commerce any milk or milk product in final package form for direct human consumption unless the product has been pasteurized.”

This information is intended as a guide only and should not be taken as legal advice. Please consult your state and local governments for the most current and accurate laws.

State Rule or Law Highlights
Additional source: National Conference of State Legislatures, “State Milk Laws,”, Aug. 29, 2016
Alabama Rules of Alabama State Board of Health Bureau of Environmental Services Division of Food, Milk, and Lodging, Chapter 420-3-16: Production, Processing, Handling, or Distribution of Milk, Milk Products, and Frozen Desserts Sales of raw milk for human consumption are prohibited. Farmers may sell raw milk for animal consumption if they obtain a commercial feed license.
Alaska Alaska Administrative Code, Title 18: Environmental Conservation, Chapter 32: Milk and Animal Products Processing, Article 1: Milk and Milk Products Sales of raw milk for human consumption are legal. Farmers must register each year with the DEC Office of the State Veterinarian and it is the obligation of the farmer to ensure they are in compliance with state laws.
Arizona Arizona Revised Statutes: Title 3 - Agriculture, Chapter 4 - Dairies and Dairying, Article 1 - General Provisions, 3-601. Definitions, 3-606 - Sale of Milk, Milk Products, Raw Milk and Raw Milk Products; Regulation, 3-607. Annual Licenses; Revocation; Fees Sales of raw milk and raw milk products for human consumption are legal on the farm and in grocery stores as long as the package carries a required warning label, the farmer has a producer-distributor license for selling raw milk and cream (another license is required for other raw milk products), and state-approved bottling equipment is used on the farm.
Arizona Administrative Code: Title 3. Agriculture, Chapter 2. Department of Agriculture Animal Services Division, Article 8. Dairy and Dairy Products ControlR3-2-805. Grade A Raw Milk for Consumption
Arkansas Arkansas Regulations: Arkansas Department of Health, Arkansas State Board of Health Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Grade “A” Milk and Milk Products, Part I. Authority, Part II. Purpose and Statement of Policy Sales of raw milk are prohibited with the exception of "incidental sales" of up to 500 gallons per month of raw milk sold on the farm, with regulations including specific signage on the farm and label on the milk.
Arkansas Code Title 20. Public Health and Welfare § 20-59-248. Incidental Sales of Goat Milk, Sheep Milk, and Whole Milk That Has Not Been Pasteurized Not Prohibited–Definitions
California California Code: California Food and Agriculture Code, Division 15. Milk and Milk Products Act of 1947 Sales of raw milk for human consumption are legal on farms and in stores as long as the milk meets "market milk" requirements and other regulations.
Colorado Code of Colorado Regulations, Department of Public Health and Environment, Division of Environmental Health and Sustainability, 6 CCR 1010–4 Colorado Milk and Dairy Products Regulations Sales of raw milk are prohibited. The prohibition does not include cowshare programs, in which raw milk, cream, yogurt, and cottage cheese can be distributed by farmers. Distribution of raw milk butter and cheese is prohibited, even in cowshare programs.
Connecticut Connecticut Statutes, Title 22 Agriculture. Domestic Animals, Chapter 430 Milk and Milk Products Sales of raw milk are legal on farms and in retail stores if the farmers have producer and raw milk retailer permits from the State Agriculture Commissioner as well as a milk dealer license from the public health board where the farm is located.
Delaware 4461 State of Delaware Milk Code, United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Grade “A,” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance 2015 Revision Raw milk sales are illegal.
D. C. District of Columbia Municipal Regulations: Title 25 Food and Food Code, Subtitle A: Food and Food Operations, Chapter 7 Sources, Specifications and Original Containers and Records for Food, 700 Sources- Compliance with Food Law, 702 Sources-Fluid Milk And Milk Products, 710 Specifications For Receiving-Eggs And Milk Products, Pasteurized Raw milk sales are illegal.
Florida Florida Statutes: Title XXXIII Regulation of Trade, Commerce, Investments and Solicitations, Chapter 502 Milk and Milk Products, 502.091 Milk and Milk Products Which May Be Sold Sales of raw milk for human consumption are prohibited, including via cowshare programs. Farmers may sell raw milk for animal consumption on their farms and in retail stores.
Florida Administrative Code, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Chapter 5D-1 Milk, Milk Products and Frozen Desserts, 5D-1.001 Documents Incorporated by Reference and Definitions
Georgia Official Code of Georgia, Chapter 2, Title 26 Sales of raw milk for human consumption are legal. The farmer must obtain a permit and the product must be tested and labeled appropriately.
Hawaii Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11 Department of Health, Chapter 15 Milk, § 11-15-46 Milk and Milk Products which May Be Sold Raw milk sales are illegal.
Idaho Idaho Administrative Code, Animals Division Rules, 02.04.13, Rules Governing Raw Milk Sales of raw milk are legal on farms, in retail stores, and in restaurants if the farmers have a raw milk permit. Herd share programs are legal if the farm or dairy is registered
Illinois Illinois Administrative Code, Part 775 – Grade A Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products Sales of raw milk are legal on the farm where the animals are located with a permit and only within five days of milk production.
Indiana Indiana Code, Title 15, Article 18-1, Section 20 Sales of raw milk for human consumption is prohibited.
Iowa Senate File 315 Sales of raw milk are legal on farms where no more than ten animals are actively producing milk at once. Medical exams of the animals and bacteria testing of the milk are required, among other requirements.
Kansas Kansas Statutes, Chapter 65, Public Health Article 7 Milk, Cream and Dairy Products Sales of raw milk are legal on farms as long as the only promotion of sales is a sign on the farm that indicates the milk is raw and the letters of which are a uniform size; and as long as the containers are clearly labeled as ungraded raw milk.
Kentucky Kentucky Statues, Chapter 217C..090 Sales of raw milk are prohibited with the exception that a person who has the written recommendation from a doctor may purchase raw goat milk.
Kentucky Administrative Regulations, Title 902, Chapter 050, Regulation 120
Louisiana Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 51 Public Health—Sanitary Code, Part VII. Dairy Products Regulations, Chapter 3. Sampling, Examination, Inspections, Grading, Enforcement Procedures and Standards of Dairy Products Including Frozen Desserts, Subchapter C. Grading, Enforcement Procedures and Standards, §323. Grades of Milk and Milk Products to be Sold Raw milk sales are illegal.
Maine Maine Statues, Title 7: Agriculture and Animals, Part 7: Milk and Milk Products Chapter, 601: Milk and Milk Products Sales of raw milk and raw milk products are legal if the products are labeled "not pasteurized."
Maryland Code of Maryland, Health - General, Title 21. Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics, Subtitle 4. Milk Products, Part IV. Prohibited Acts, § 21-434. Sale of Raw Milk or Farmstead Cheese Raw milk sales are illegal.
Massachusetts General Laws, Part I, Title XV Chapter 94, Section 16J: Establishment of Rules and Regulations by Boards of Health of Cities and Towns for Handling and Sale of Milk Massachusetts allows local governments to set raw milk laws. If raw milk sales are allowed, the sales must comply with sections 12 and 13.
Michigan Manufacturing Milk Law of 2001, Grade A Milk Law of 2001, Act 266 of 2001, 288.538 Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products Offered for Sale; Requirements. Raw milk sales are illegal, however herd share agreements are allowed.
Minnesota Minnesota Statues, Chapter 32D. Dairy Law, Processing and Manufacturing Requirements, 32D.20 Limitation on Sale Sales of raw milk, cream, and skim milk are only legal if "occasionally secured or purchased for personal use by a consumer" at the farm or dairy.
Mississippi Mississippi Code, Title 75. Regulation of Trade, Commerce and Investments, Chapter 31. Milk and Milk Products, Article 1. General Provisions, §75-31-65) Sales of raw goat milk are legal if they are "incidental," sold directly to the customer on the farm or dairy, there are no more than nine milk-producing goats on premises, the milk is not advertised for sale. The milking area must be clean, have a cement or comparable floor, be enclosed by a wall or screen that prevents insects from entering, have a fly strap, and use sterile containers.
Missouri Missouri Statutes, Title XII Public Health and Welfare, Chapter 196 Food, Drugs and Tobacco, Fluid Milk and Fluid Milk Products, 196.935 State Milk Inspection Required on All Graded Fluid Milk or Milk Products — Pasteurization Required, Exception Sales of raw milk are legal as long as the farmer has a permit.
Missouri Regulations, Title 2 Department of Agriculture, Division 80 State Milk Board, Chapter 3 Production and Distribution of Grade "A" Retail Raw Milk and Milk Products & Chapter 4 Grade "A" Raw Milk for Pasteurization and Grade "A" Milk or Milk Products from Points Beyond the Limits of Routine Inspection
Montana SB199 Raw milk sales are legal from small dairies as a "homemade food" if the consumer is informed that the milk "has not been licensed, permitted, certified, packaged, labeled, or inspected per anyofficial regulations."
Nebraska Nebraska Statutes, Chapter 02 – Agriculture, 2-3969 Sale of Milk and Milk Products; Conditions. Sales of raw milk and cream are legal if sold directly from farmer to consumer.
Nevada Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 584 – Dairy Products and Substitutes, Raw Milk, 2031 Permit to Produce Certified Raw Milk Sales of raw milk are legal. However, the county milk commission must approve the producer. Only one county has a milk commission and it has not approved any producer.
New Hampshire New Hampshire Statutes Title XIV Milk and Milk Products, Chapter 184 Inspection and Sale of Dairy Products, Milk for Drinking, Section, 184:30-A Pasteurization Required. Raw milk sales are legal.
New Jersey New Jersey Statutes, Title 24 Food and Drugs, 10-57.17. Pasteurization Required Raw milk sales are illegal.
New Mexico Title 21 Agriculture and Ranching, Chapter 34 Dairy and Egg Producers, Part 2 Retail Sale of Raw Milk Sales of raw milk are legal with a permit.
New York New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 1 – Department of Agriculture and Markets, Chapter I - Milk Control, Subchapter A - Dairy Products (Article 4, Agriculture and Markets Law), Part 2 – Requirements for the Production, Processing, Manufacturing and Distribution of Milk and Milk Products, Section 2.3 – General Permits; Permit to Sell Raw Milk; Permit to Ship into the State; Permit to Produce Milk Sales of raw milk are legal on licensed farms directly to consumers
North Carolina North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 106 Agriculture, Article 28C - Grade "A" Milk Sanitation., § 106-266.35. Sale or dispensing of milk. Raw milk sales are illegal.
North Dakota North Dakota Century Code, Chapter 4.1 Dairy Product Regulation, 25-40. Shared Animal Ownership Agreement - Raw Milk Raw milk sales are illegal. Herdshares are legal
Ohio Ohio Code, Title 9 Agriculture-Animals-Fences, Chapter 917 Dairy Products, Section 917.04 | Sales of and Labeling for Raw Milk Raw milk sales are technically legal. However, the law requires that vendors have been continuously selling raw milk since before October 31, 1965, and no vendors in the state meet that requirement, according to the National Council of State Legislatures..
Oklahoma 2021 Oklahoma Statutes, Title 2. Agriculture, §2-7-414. Construction of Act. Sales of raw milk are legal on the farm.
Oregon Oregon Statutes, Title 49. Food and Other Commodities; Purity, Sanitation, Grades, Standards, Labels, Weights and Measures, Chapter 621 Milk; Dairy Products; Substitutes, 012 Exception for Small-Scale On-Farm Sales. Sales of raw milk are legal on small-scale farms.
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Code, Title 7 Agriculture, Chapter 59a. Milk Sanitation, Subchapter F. Raw Milk for Human Consumption Sales of raw milk are legal with a permit.
Rhode Island State of Rhode Island General Laws, Title 21 Food and Drugs, Chapter 2 Milk Sanitation Code, § 21-2-2. Declaration of policy. Raw milk sales are illegal unless a person has a written and signed prescription from a doctor for raw goat milk.
South Carolina South Carolina Regulations, Chapter 61 Department of Health and Environmental Control, 61–34. Raw Milk for Human Consumption. Sales of raw milk are legal with a permit.
South Dakota South Dakota Codes, Title 39 Food and Drugs, Chapter 39–6 Milk and Milk Product Grades and Standards, 39-6-3. Sale of Raw Milk at Place Where Milk Produced Permitted Sales of raw milk are legal with a license.
Tennessee Tennessee Code, Title 53 Food, Drugs And Cosmetics, Chapter 3 Dairy Law of the State of Tennessee, Part 1 General Provisions, 119. Use of Milk from Hoofed Mammal for Owner’s Personal Consumption or Use — Safe Milk-Handling Course — Cooperative Agricultural Extension Funding — Records — Penalty. Raw milk sales are illegal, but farmers may use raw milk for personal consumption.
Texas Texas Administrative Code, Title 25 Health Services, Part 1 Department of State Health Services, Chapter 217 Milk and Dairy, Subchapter B Grade A Raw Milk and Raw Milk Products, Rule §217.31 Selling of Raw Milk to the Consumer Sales of raw milk are legal with a permit and only on the farm directly to the consumer.
Utah Utah Code, Title 4 Utah Agricultural Code, Chapter 3 Utah Dairy Act, Part 5 Special Programs, Section 502 Exemption Sales of raw milk are legal with a permit and only on the farm directly to the consumer who may not resell the milk. Cow shares are legal.
Utah Code, Title 4 Utah Agricultural Code, Chapter 3 Utah Dairy Act, Part 5 Special Programs, Section 501 Cow Share Program Notification
Vermont Vermont Statutes, Title 6: Agriculture, Chapter 152: Sale of Unpasteurized (Raw) Milk Sales of raw milk are legal on the farm and at farmers’ markets and by CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture) organizations.
Virginia Virginia Administrative Code, Title 2. Agriculture, Agency 5. Department of Agriculture And Consumer Services, Chapter 490. Regulations Governing Grade "A" Milk, 2VAC5-490-5. Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance. Raw milk sales are illegal.
Washington Title 15: Agriculture and Marketing, Chapter 15.36: Milk and Milk Products, Section 15.36.012: Definitions, Findings—2006 c 157 Sales of raw milk and cowshares are legal.
West Virginia West Virginia Code, Chapter 19. Agriculture., Article 1. Department of Agriculture., 19-1-7. Shared Animal Ownership Agreement to Consume Raw Milk Sales of raw milk via cowshares are legal.
Wisconsin State of Wisconsin, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Raw Milk Raw milk sales are illegal. Bona-fide owners and employees of the dairy farm may obtain and consume raw milk from the dairy farm.
Wyoming Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Wyoming Food Rule, Chapter 3 -Food Care Raw milk sales illegal. Those who own dairy animals, their families, employees, and non-paying guests may consume raw milk from the farm.

Calcium Content in Select Foods

Below is a table of various foods’ calcium content in milligrams (mg). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends 1,300 mg of calcium per day (also called the “Daily Value”) for adults and children over 4 years old. [39][40]

Food Serving Size Milligrams (mg) of Calcium per Serving
Almond beverage (almond milk), unsweetened 1 cup 442 mg
Amaranth leaves, cooked 1 cup 276 mg
Apple, golden delicious, with skin 1 medium 10 mg
Beans, pinto, canned, drained ½ cup 54 mg
Beet greens, cooked 1 cup 164 mg
Bread, whole-wheat 1 slice 30 mg
Breakfast cereals, fortified with 10% of the DV for calcium 1 serving 130 mg
Broccoli, raw ½ cup 21 mg
Buttermilk, low fat 1 cup 284 mg
Chia seeds 1 tablespoon 76 mg
Chinese cabbage (bok choi), raw, shredded 1 cup 74 mg
Collard greens, cooked 1 cup 268 mg
Cottage cheese, 1% milk fat 1 cup 138 mg
Dandelion greens, cooked 1 cup 147 mg
Frozen yogurt, vanilla, soft serve ½ cup 103 mg
Grapefruit juice, 100%, fortified 1 cup 350 mg
Jute, cooked 1 cup 184 mg
Kale, cooked 1 cup 177 mg
Kale, fresh, cooked 1 cup 94 mg
Kale, raw, chopped 1 cup 24 mg
Kefir, plain, low fat 1 cup 317 mg
Lambsquarters, cooked 1 cup 464 mg
Milk, nonfat 1 cup 299 mg
Milk, whole (3.25% milk fat) 1 cup 276 mg
Mozzarella, part skim 1.5 oz 333 mg
Mustard greens, cooked 1 cup 165 mg
Mustard spinach, cooked 1 cup 284 mg
Nettles, cooked 1 cup 428 mg
Nopales, cooked 1 cup 244 mg
Orange juice, calcium fortified 1 cup 349 mg
Pak choi, cooked 1 cup 158 mg
Rice beverage (rice milk), unsweetened 1 cup 283 mg
Salmon, pink, canned, solids with bones 3 ounces 181 mg
Sardines, canned in oil, with bones 3 ounces 325 mg
Sour cream, reduced fat 2 tablespoons 31 mg
Soy beverage (soy milk), unsweetened 1 cup 301 mg
Soybeans, cooked ½ cup 181 mg
Soymilk, calcium fortified 1 cup 299 mg
Spinach, boiled, drained ½ cup 123 mg
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 245 mg
Tahini (seasame butter or paste) 1 tablespoon 154 mg
Taro root (dasheen or yautia), cooked 1 cup 204 mg
Tofu, firm, made with calcium sulfate ½ cup 253 mg
Tofu, raw, regular, prepared with calcium sulfate 1/2 cup 434 mg
Tofu, soft, made with calcium sulfate ½ cup 253 mg
Tortilla, corn one, 6 inch diameter 46 mg
Turnip greens, cooked 1 cup 197 mg
Turnip greens, fresh, boiled ½ cup 99 mg
Yogurt, fruit, low fat 8 oz 344 mg
Yogurt, Greek, plain, low fat 8 ounces 261 mg
Yogurt, Greek, plain, nonfat 8 ounces 250 mg
Yogurt, plain, low fat 8 oz 415 mg
Yogurt, plain, nonfat 8 ounces 488 mg
Yogurt, soy, plain 8 ounces 300 mg

Historical Timeline

8000 BC-63 BC

8000 BC - Origins of the Domestic Cow

Aurochs, the wild ancestors of modern cows, once ranged over large areas of Asia, Europe and North Africa.

Aurochs were first domesticated 8,000 to 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent area of the Near East and evolved into two types of domestic cattle, the humped Zebu (Bos indicus) and the humpless European Highland cattle (Bos taurus).

Some scientists believe that domesticated cattle from the Fertile Crescent spread throughout Eurasia, while others believe that a separate domestication event took place in the area of India and Pakistan.

—"History of the Cow," (accessed Oct. 23, 2007)

4000 BC - Early Evidence of Milking Cattle in Neolithic Britain

Through analyzing degraded fats on unearthed potshards, scientists have discovered that Neolithic farmers in Britain and Northern Europe may have been among the first to begin milking cattle for human consumption. The dairying activities of these European farmers may have begun as early as 6,000 years ago. According to scientists, the ability to digest milk was slowly gained some time between 5000-4000 B.C.E. by the spread of a genetic mutation called lactase persistence that allowed post-weaned humans to continue to digest milk. If that date is correct, it may pre-date the rise of other major dairying civilizations in the Near East, India, and North Africa.

— "Early Brits Were Original Cheeseheads,", Oct. 10, 2006, "Early Man ’Couldn’t Stomach Milk’," (accessed Oct. 30, 2007)

3000 BC - Evidence of Dairy Cows Playing a Major Role in Ancient Sumerian Civilization

Although there is evidence of cattle domestication in Mesopotamia as early as 8000 B.C.E., the milking of dairy cows did not become a major part of Sumerian civilization until approximately 3000 B.C.E.

Archaeological evidence shows that the Ancient Sumerians drank cow’s milk and also made cow’s milk into cheeses and butters.

The picture to the left is of a carved dairy scene found in the temple of Ninhursag in the Sumerian city of Tell al-Ubaid. The scene, which shows typical dairy activities such as milking, straining and making butter, dates to the first half of the third millennium B.C.E.

Daily Life In Ancient Mesopotamia, 2002

3100 BC - The Domesticated Cow Appears in Ancient Egyptian Civilization

At least as early as 3100 B.C.E., the domesticated cow had been introduced to, or had been separately domesticated in, Northern Africa.

In Ancient Egypt, the domesticated cow played a major role in Egyptian agriculture and spirituality.

Attesting to its central role in Egyptian life, the cow was deified. The Egyptians "held the cow sacred and dedicated her to Isis, goddess of agriculture; but more than that, the cow was a goddess in her own right, named Hathor, who guarded the fertility of the land."

— The Untold Story of Milk, 2003

2000 BC - The Domesticated Cow Appears in Northern Indian Vedic Civilization

By 2000 B.C.E, the domesticated cow had appeared in Northern India, coinciding with the arrival of the Aryan nomads.

The Vedic civilization that ruled Northern India from about 1750 BCE to about 500 BCE relied heavily upon the cow and the dairy products that it provided.

The heavy dependence on the cow was reinforced by the Vedas (the religious epics of the Hindu religion) wherein the cow was considered a sacred animal.

Food in History, 1973

1700-63 BC - Milk in Ancient Hebrew Civilization and the Bible

"The ancient Hebrews... held milk in high favor; the earliest Hebrew scriptures contain abundant evidence of the widespread use of milk from very early times. The Old Testament refers to a ’land which floweth with milk and honey’ some twenty times. The phrase describes Palestine as a land of extraordinary fertility, providing all the comforts and necessities of life. In all, the Bible contains some fifty references to milk and milk products."

The Untold Story of Milk, 2003


1525 - The First Cattle Brought to the Americas Arrive at Vera Cruz, Mexico

"The first cattle to arrive in the New World landed in Vera Cruz, Mexico, in 1525. Soon afterword, some made their way across the Rio Grande to proliferate in the wild. They became known as ’Texas Cattle.’ Soon after, some of the [Spanish] settlers transported cattle to South America from the Canary Islands and Europe. More followed, and cattle multiplied rapidly throughout New Spain, numbering in the thousands within a few years."

The Untold Story of Milk, 2003

1624 - The First Cattle Brought to New England Arrive at Plymouth Colony

The first cows were brought to Plymouth colony in 1624. "The cattle present in 1627 in Plymouth included black, red, white-backed and white-bellied varieties. The black cattle may have been of a breed or similar to those today called Kerrys. Kerry cattle are descended from ancient Celtic cattle and were originally native to County Kerry Ireland."

— "Livestock in Plymouth Colony," Plymouth Archaeological Rediscovery Project website (accessed Oct. 9, 2007)

1679-1776 - Milk and the Spanish California Missions

"The Jesuit Priest, Eusebio Kino, introduced cattle to Baja California in 1679 as part of the missionary effort to establish mission settlements.... Milk became a blessing to missionaries in time of need."

During a food shortage in 1772, Junipero Serra stated that "...milk from the cows and some vegetables from the garden have been [our] chief subsistence."

In 1776, at the Mission San Gabriel, Father Font wrote that "The cows are very fat and they give much and rich milk, which they [Native American women at the mission] make cheese and very good butter."

— "Dairying in California through 1910," Southern California Quarterly, Summer 1994


Early 1800s - Milk Maids and the Compulsory Smallpox Vaccine in the United States

In the 18th century it was common folk knowledge in Europe that milk maids (women who milked cows) seemed to be immune from the smallpox plagues when they swept through Europe. .

In 1796, English physician Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for smallpox based upon this folk knowledge..

"Recognizing that dairymaids infected with cowpox were immune to small-pox, Jenner deliberately infected James Phipps, an eight year old boy, with cowpox in 1796. He then exposed Phipps to smallpox-which Phipps failed to contract. After repeating the experiment on other children, including his own son, Jenner concluded that vaccination provided immunity to smallpox.".

In the United States, compulsory smallpox vaccination was introduced on a state by state basis, beginning in the early 1800s..

— "Smallpox A Great and Terrible Scourge,", Oct. 18, 2002

1840-1920s - Milk Production and Distillery Dairies in the United States

In the early 19th century, the alcohol distillery business in the United States began to grow. Large amounts of swill (spent-grains) were produced as a byproduct of whisky and other alcohol production. Many distilleries opened dairies and began feeding their dairy cows with the waste swill. The low nutritional content of the swill lead to sickness in the cows and in the humans who drank their milk..

"Confined to filthy, manure-filled pens, the unfortunate cows gave a pale, bluish milk so poor in quality, it couldn’t even be used for making butter or cheese.".

— "Distellery Dairies, Deadly Milk,", June 21, 2012

1822-1895 - The Process of Pasteurization is Developed by Louis Pasteur

French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur, considered one of the fathers of microbiology, helped prove that infectious diseases and food-borne illnesses were caused by germs, known as the "germ theory."

Pasteur’s research demonstrated that harmful microbes in milk and wine caused sickness, and he invented a process - now called "pasteurization" - whereby the liquids were rapidly heated and cooled to kill most of the organisms..

— "Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)," (accessed July 11, 2013)

Mar. 23, 1883 - The New York Milk War

In 1883 a struggle known as the "milk war" broke out between milk farmers/producers and milk distribution companies in New-York. Milk farmers demanded a higher price for their milk. When the distribution companies refused to pay more the farmers organized "spilling committees" that blocked roads, seized shipments and dumped out their own milk instead of selling it to the distributors. These "spilling committees" created a "milk famine" in New York City in an effort to force the milk distribution companies to pay the farmers higher prices for their milk. "In late March, 1883, a temporary settlement was reached between committees of the striking dairy farmers and the milk retailers, the latter representing about 800 of their fellow businessmen. They agreed to set the price of milk at 2½-4¢ a quart, depending on the season. Disputes between milk producers and dealers would resurface at times over the years, the most notable of which were the milk strikes of the early 1930s during the Great Depression.".

— "On This Day: March 31, 1883," (accessed July 11, 2013)

1884 - First Glass Milk Bottles Patented

"One of the first glass milk bottles was patented in 1884 by Dr. Henry Thatcher, after seeing a milkman making deliveries from an open bucket into which a child’s filthy rag doll had accidentally fallen. By 1889, his Thatcher’s Common Sense Milk Jar had become an industry standard. It was sealed with a waxed paper disc that was pressed into a groove inside the bottle’s neck. The milk bottle, and the regular morning arrival of the milkman, remained a part of American life until the 1950s, when waxed paper cartons of milk began appearing in markets.".

— "Milk," (accessed Oct. 22, 2007)

1893 - Dr. Henry L. Coit Forms the Medical Milk Commission to Certify Raw Milk

In the mid-to-late 1800s milk-born illness was a major problem.

Milk produced at unhygienic production facilities (like distillery dairies) served as a medium to spread diseases like typhoid and tuberculosis. These diseases created a public health crisis that led to skyrocketing infant mortality in the cities.

As a result, "[i]n 1889, two years before the death of his son from contaminated milk, Newark, New Jersey doctor Henry Coit, MD urged the creation of a Medical Milk Commission to oversee or ’certify’ production of milk for cleanliness, finally getting one formed in 1893.".

— "A Brief History of Raw Milk," (accessed July 11, 2013)

1895 - Commercial Pasteurization of Milk Begins

In 1895, commercial pasteurizing machines for milk were introduced in the United States.

— "Important Dates in Milk History," (accessed Oct. 8, 2007)

1899 - Milk Homogenizer Is Patented

"In 1899 Auguste Gaulin obtained a patent on his homogenizer. The patent consisted of a 3 piston pump in which product was forced through one or more hair like tubes under pressure." .

Homogenization breaks down the large fat globules in milk into tiny ones.

The process prevents the cream from separating and rising to the top as it does in un-homogenized milk..

— "History," (accessed Oct. 8, 2007)


1913 - Typhoid Epidemic in New York City

The New York Times reported that a large typhoid epidemic in New York City was attributed to contaminated milk. "Bad Milk Causes Typhoid," Sep. 19, 1913

1914 - The First Milk Tanker Trucks Are Introduced

The first tank trucks for transporting milk were put into service.

— "Important Dates in Milk History," (accessed Oct. 8, 2007)

1917 - Mandatory Pasteurization of Milk Begins

"By 1917, pasteurization of all milk except that from cows proven to be free of tuberculosis was either required or officially encouraged in 46 of the country’s 52 largest cities. The proportion of milk pasteurized in these cities ranged from 10 percent to 97 percent; in most it was well over 50 percent."

The Untold Story of Milk, 2003

1922 - Capper-Volstead Act Passed

Congress passed the Capper-Volstead Act, allowing producers of agricultural products, such as milk, to "act together in associations" to organize collective processing, preparation for market, handling, and marketing of milk and other agricultural goods. The act was of historic significance as it granted producers of milk and other agricultural products special exemptions from monopoly laws to help farmers raise the price for their products.

— Capper-Volstead Act, Feb. 18, 1922

1933 - Sioux City Milk War

In 1933 milk producers in Iowa organized a strike for higher milk prices.

One of the main tactics farmers used during the strike was to block roads and prevent milk from being shipped to Sioux City.

In one instance, strikers opened fire on a truck driver who was trying to get past a road blockade they had set up, seriously injuring four of the passengers.

"4 Shot in Milk War on Sioux City Road," Feb. 4, 1933

1937 - First Milk Marketing Orders Initiated

"Milk marketing orders came into existence as a result of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937... The rationale for the legislation was to reduce disorderly marketing conditions, improve price stability in fluid milk markets, and ensure a sufficient quantity of pure and wholesome milk. The orders are regulations approved by dairy farmers in individual fluid milk markets that require manufacturers to pay minimum monthly prices for milk purchases."

— "Milk Marketing Order Reform: Watered Down or Real?," Jan. 20, 1998

Aug. 28, 1939 - Dairy Farmers Union Strike

Dairy farmers in the countryside outside New York City were hit hard by the Great Depression. Milk prices in New York City fell so low that the milk distributors were paying farmers less for their milk than it cost them to produce it. As things got desperate, dairy farmers organized the Dairy Farmers Union (DFU). Led by Archie Wright, a former organizer for the radical Industrial Workers of the World, the DFU went on strike in 1939. During the strike, DFU members blocked roads and halted market-bound trucks. They confiscated milk and spilled it out on the roadsides. In some cases they threw bottles of kerosene on trucks that did not stop. The picketers fought non-strikers who tried to cross their lines, and State troopers who intervened.

— "Milk Without Honey,", Aug. 28, 1939

June 4, 1940 - First Federal Milk Program for Schools

"Federal assistance in providing milk for school children has been in operation since June 4, 1940, when a federally subsidized program was begun in Chicago. It was limited to 15 elementary schools with a total enrollment of 13,256 children. The schools selected were located in low-income areas of the city. The price to the children was 1 cent per one-half pint, and children who could not pay were given milk free, the cost being paid through donations by interested persons."

— "The National School Lunch Program Background and Development," (accessed Oct. 17, 2007)

1940s - Federally Subsidized Milk Advertising under the Works Progress Administration

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was formed on May 6, 1935, as a part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal plan to bring the United States out of the Great Depression. The WPA differed from other New Deal programs in that it focused on providing work for artists, educators, writers and musicians. The two posters pictured here were painted by artists under commission from the WPA. Like many WPA projects, these paintings served a dual purpose: to employ artists and to create increased demand for milk. As such, these paintings (and many others like them) were a form of federally subsidized dairy advertising. At its height, the WPA employed over 3 million people.

— "A Brief Overview of the WPA," (accessed Oct. 16, 2007)

1946 - National School Lunch Act Passed

In 1946, President Harry Truman signed the National School Lunch Act into law. The act was designed to provide nutritious lunches to the nation’s children. The reasoning behind the act was laid out in its text: "It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress, as a measure of national security, to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation’s children and to encourage the domestic consumption of nutritious agricultural commodities and other food, by assisting the States, through grants-in aid and other means, in providing an adequate supply of food and other facilities for the establishment, maintenance, operation and expansion of nonprofit school lunch programs." The Secretary of Agriculture prescribed three types of lunches which would be acceptable under the act, designated as Type A, Type B, and Type C. It was mandated that each lunch include between 1/2 to 2 pints of whole milk.

— "The National School Lunch Program Background and Development," (accessed Oct. 17, 2007)


1950s-1960s - Square Milk Carton Introduced

In the 1950s and 1960s many dairies began to introduce the square paper carton to replace bottles. The square shape allowed more milk to be carried and displayed in a given space than did the old glass bottles. The new cartons also reduced the cost of milk for consumers since disposable paper cartons were cheaper than glass bottles.

— "Wax Milk Containers," (accessed Oct. 10, 2007)

Oct. 11, 1966 - Child Nutrition Act of 1966 and the Special Milk Program

The Child Nutrition Act of 1966, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, authorized the Special Milk Program (SMP). "The SMP provides milk free of charge or at a low cost to children in schools and child care institutions that do not participate in other Federal child nutrition meal service programs. The federally assisted program reimburses schools for the milk they serve."

— "Program History & Data," (accessed Oct. 17, 2007)

1974 - Nutrition Labeling of Fluid Milk Begins

Voluntary nutrition labeling on fluid milk products was initiated after the FDA advised that all foods should have nutrition labels.

— "Important Dates in Milk History," (accessed Oct. 8, 2007)

1983 - Dairy Act of 1983 and the Creation of the National Dairy Board

"The Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (Dairy Act) authorized a national producer program for dairy product promotion, research, and nutrition education to increase human consumption of milk and dairy products and reduce milk surpluses. This self-help program is funded by a mandatory 15-cent-per-hundredweight assessment on all milk produced in the contiguous 48 States and marketed commercially by dairy farmers. It is administered by the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board (Dairy Board). The Dairy Act provides that dairy farmers can direct up to 10 cents per hundredweight of the assessment for contributions to qualified regional, State, or local dairy product promotion, research, or nutrition education programs."

— "National Dairy Promotion & Research Program: Overview, Structure, and History," (accessed Oct. 16, 2007)

1990 - Fluid Milk Promotion Act

In 1990, the U.S. Congress passed the Fluid Milk Promotion Act to promote the sale of milk and to allow collective, producer financed, generic milk advertising. The act stated that "fluid milk products are basic foods and are a primary source of required nutrients such as calcium, and otherwise are a valuable part of the human diet," and mandated that "fluid milk products must be readily available and marketed efficiently to ensure that the people of the United States receive adequate nourishment."

— 1990 Fluid Milk Promotion Act

1992 - First USDA Food Pyramid Is Released

"The Food Guide Pyramid was introduced in 1992 to illustrate a food guide developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help healthy Americans use the Dietary Guidelines to choose foods for a healthy diet. The Food Guide Pyramid is a graphic tool that conveys ’at a glance’ important dietary guidance concepts of variety, proportion, and moderation. These concepts are not new—with varying emphasis, they have been part of USDA food guides for almost 100 years." The 1992 Food Pyramid recommended that 2-3 servings of milk and other dairy products be consumed daily.

— "Using The Food Guide Pyramid: A Resource for Nutrition Educators,", 1992

1993 - "Got Milk?" Advertising Campaign Launched

In 1993, the California Milk Processor Board was formed to increase milk consumption. Their first major public success was the creation of the "Got Milk?" advertisement campaign. In 1995, the "Got Milk?" slogan was registered as a federal trademark by the National Dairy Boards and the "Got Milk?" campaign went national. "Awareness of GOT MILK? is over 90% nationally and it is considered one of the most important and successful campaigns in history… The Dairy industry spends $150-million annually to support GOT MILK?, including use on those Milk Mustache ads. In addition, the ’brand’ has become a hot property with over 100 product licensees."

— "About the CMPB," (accessed Oct. 16, 2007)

Nov. 5, 1993 - Artificial Bovine Growth Hormone Approved by FDA

On November 5, 1993, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved genetically engineered Artificial Bovine Growth Hormone (rBST, rBGH, BGH) for commercial use in the United States. "In March 1993, before rbST was approved, an FDA advisory committee concluded that the use of rbST -- and any increased risk of mastitis and resulting increased use of antibiotics in treated cattle -- would not pose a risk to human health. Monsanto Co.’s Posilac, the only rbST product approved for increasing milk production in dairy cattle, was first marketed in February 1994."

— "BST Update: First Year Experience Reports,", Mar. 14, 1995

1994 - Protests against Artificial Bovine Growth Hormone Ensue

In response to the FDA approval of Artificial Bovine Growth Hormone (rBST, rBGH, BGH), the Pure Food Campaign launched a series of protests around the country where milk was spilled in symbolic protest. Jeremy Rifkin, an organizer of the Pure Food Campaign, stated that there was widespread public concern over the safety of rBST and that "We believe this product is a hazard to health."

— "Grocers Challenge Use of New Drug for Milk Output,", Feb. 4, 1994

1994 - FDA Issues rBST Labeling Guidelines

In 1994, the FDA issued labeling guidelines for milk (and dairy products made with milk) produced by cows that have not been treated with rBST. In its guidelines the FDA stated: "Because of the presence of natural bST in milk, no milk is ’bST-free,’ and a ’bST-free’ labeling statement would be false." The FDA advised that the following statement should be included on all products labeled as being made with milk from cows that are not treated with rBST: "No significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rbST-treated and non-rbST-treated cows."

— FDA, "Food and Drug Administration Interim Guidance on the Voluntary Labeling of Milk and Milk Products From Cows That Have Not Been Treated with Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin,", Feb. 10, 1994

1995 - Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI) Formed

"Dairy producer board members of the National Dairy Board (NDB) and the United Dairy Industry Association (UDIA) create Dairy Management Inc.™ (DMI) as the organization responsible for increasing demand for U.S.-produced dairy products on behalf of America’s dairy producers; direct coordination between national and local dairy promotion programs begins.

DMI forms the U.S. Dairy Export Council® (USDEC) to leverage investments of dairy processors, exporters, dairy producers, and industry suppliers to enhance the U.S. dairy industry’s ability to serve international markets. Both dairy checkoff dollars [funds collected from farmers for collective generic advertisements] and USDEC membership dues fund the organization."

— "History of Dairy Promotion," (accessed Oct. 16, 2007)

1995 - "Got Milk?" Barbie Released

“CMPB [California Milk Processors Board] and Mattel came out with a limited edition ’got milk?’ Barbie doll to remind young consumers to drink their milk.... ‘[The] partnership with Mattel is the perfect example of the power of “got milk?” to attract and leverage great brands to sell more milk,’ says Jeff Manning, executive director of the CMPB.”

— “Delivering ‘Got Milk?’ Message to Kids,” May 1998

1997 - Harvard Study on Milk and Bone Health Released

Harvard School of Public Health doctors published a study in the American Journal of Public Health titled "Milk, Dietary Calcium, and Bone Fractures in Women: A 12-Year Prospective Study." The study investigated whether higher intakes of milk and other high calcium foods during adulthood could reduce the risk of osteoporosis and related bone fractures. The study found that high intakes of milk (two or more glasses a day over a 12-year period) did not reduce the incidence of osteoporosis and related bone fractures.

— "Milk, Dietary Calcium, and Bone Fractures in Women: A 12-Year Prospective Study," American Journal of Public Health, June 1997

1998 - National Raw Milk Campaign Initiated

In 1998, the Weston A. Price Foundation initiated the "Real Milk Campaign" to promote the health benefits of raw cow’s milk and to advocate for the legalization of raw milk sales. The goal of the Real Milk Campaign is to make"[r]aw milk available to consumers in all 50 states and throughout the world!" In 2007, the sale of raw cow’s milk for human consumption was illegal in 17 states.

— "Real Milk," (accessed Oct. 22, 2007)


Dec. 2001 - Merger Forms Largest US Dairy Producer

In December 2001, Suiza Foods Corporation acquired Dean Foods Company and formed the "new" Dean Foods Corporation. The new Dean Foods Corporation became the nation’s largest dairy processor and distributor with more than 25,000 employees and $10 billion in revenues.

— "A Brief History of the New Dean Foods Company," (accessed Oct. 22, 2007)

Dec. 2002 - PETA Files False Advertising Lawsuit against the California Milk Board

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) filed a December 2002 lawsuit against the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB). PETA’s lawsuit claimed that the CMAB’s "Happy Cows" advertising campaign constituted false advertising. They charged that the idyllic living conditions of the "Happy Cows" were in stark contrast to the large factory farm reality of most dairy cows in California. The suit was thrown out by the California Superior Court in 2002. PETA appealed the decision to the California Supreme Court, which refused to review the case in 2005.

— "PETA Sues the California Milk Board for False Advertising," (accessed Oct. 17, 2007)

Jan. 5, 2004 - Dean Foods Acquires Horizon Organic

On January 5, 2004, Dean Foods, the nation’s largest dairy processor and distributor, acquired Horizon Organic, the nation’s leading organic milk and dairy product processor.

— "A Brief History of the New Dean Foods Company," (accessed Oct. 22, 2007)

2004 - Milk and Weight Loss Ad Campaign Initiated

In 2004, Dairy Management Inc. and the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board initiated a nationwide advertising campaign with the slogan "3-A-Day. Burn More Fat, Lose Weight." The advertising campaign ran television, print and internet advertising claiming that the consumption of 3 servings of milk or other dairy products each day could help with weight loss.

— United States Department of Agriculture USDA Report to Congress on the National Dairy Promotion and Research Program and the National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Program, USDA/Economic Research Service," July 1, 2005

2005 - Organic Milk’s Popularity Continues to Grow

In 2005, organic milk grew in popularity with a 23 percent increase in consumption over 2004. During this same time period, overall milk consumption dropped by 8 percent.

— "An Organic Cash Cow," Nov. 9, 2005

2005 - USDA Dietary Guidelines Released

In 2005, the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services released an updated "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" that recommended Americans should: "Consume 3 cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or equivalent milk products."

— United States Department of Agriculture " 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans,", 2005

Oct. 2005 - Physicians Group Files Lawsuit Demanding Lactose Intolerance Warnings on Milk

In October 2005, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of all residents of Washington, DC, against a number of large milk companies demanding lactose intolerance warnings on milk. PCRM filed the lawsuit "To help raise public awareness about lactose intolerance... on behalf of all residents in Washington, D.C., who may purchase milk without realizing the serious digestive distress it can cause. Filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia on October 6, the suit calls for all milk cartons sold in D.C. to carry labels warning of milk’s possible side effects." As of Oct. 31, 2007, the case is still pending.

— "PCRM Files Class-Action Lawsuit Against Dairy Industry," (accessed Oct. 17, 2007)

2007 - Japanese Man Creates Beer from Milk

For many years, milk consumption in Japan had been on the decline, creating a surplus milk problem in Japan. The Japanese island of Hokkaido alone had to dispose of nearly 900 tons of surplus milk in a single month. Sensing an opportunity, Hokkaido liquor store owner Chitoshi Nakahara decided to see if he could ferment this excess milk into beer. The experiment worked, and Nakahara began selling "Bilk" in local liquor stores in 2007.

— "Got Milk? Got Beer!,", Feb. 13, 2007

2007 - Milk and Weight-Loss Claims Withdrawn

In response to a 2005 complaint from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine(PCRM), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published a letter regarding The National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board (and others) advertisements that claimed drinking milk helps with weight-loss. The letter stated that the FTC had been "advised by USDA staff that the Dairy Board, the Fluid Milk Board, and other affiliated entities that engage in advertising and promotional activities on behalf of the two boards, have determined that the best course of action at this time is to discontinue all advertising and other marketing activities involving weight loss claims until further research provides stronger, more conclusive evidence of an association between dairy consumption and weight loss..." A lawsuit (still in appeals as of Oct. 31, 2007) was also filed by the PCRM against a number of milk retail companies, including Kraft Foods and General Mills, to prevent them from making milk weight-loss claims.

— PCRM Complaint, Apr. 21, 2005

— FTC Response to PCRM, May 3, 2007

— PCRM Lawsuit, 2007

Apr. 16, 2007 - Nation’s Largest Organic Dairy Violates Organic Rules

On April 16, 2007, Aurora Organic Dairy, the largest organic milk producer in the country, and supplier of organic milk to Walmart, Target, Costco, Safeway and many other large stores, received a notice of proposed revocation from the USDA for willful violations of the 1990 Organic Foods Production Act. The revocation letter from the USDA described 14 violations committed by Aurora Organic Dairy and stated: "Due to the nature and extent of these violations, the NOP proposes to revoke Aurora Organic Dairy’s production and handling certifications under the NOP." According to the Cornucopia Institute, a farm policy research group, the practices of Aurora are "a ’horrible aberration’ and that the vast majority of all organic dairy products are produced with high integrity."

— USDA Notice of Proposed Revocation, Apr. 16, 2007

— Cornucopia Institute Lawsuits Announced Against Nation’s Biggest Organic Dairy," (accessed Oct. 23, 2007)

Aug. 21, 2007 - FTC Affirms the Legality of ‘rBST Free’ Labels on Milk

In Feb. 2007, the Monsanto Corporation (producers of rBST) filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission alleging that a number of milk processors were engaging in "false and deceptive" advertising by labeling their products as being free of the artificial growth hormone rBST and thereby inferring that milk from cows injected with the growth hormone is inferior. In its response to the compliant filed by the Monsanto Corporation the FTC wrote that its "staff agrees with FDA that food companies may inform consumers in advertising, as in labeling, that they do not use rBST."

— Monsanto Complaint to FTC, Feb. 2007

— FTC Response to Monsanto, Aug. 21, 2001

2007-2008 - China’s Tainted Milk Scandal

"A Chinese court has condemned two men to death and sentenced a company boss to life for their roles in the production and sale of poisoned milk that killed at least six children and made almost 300,000 sick ...

More than 50,000 infants were hospitalised with kidney problems after drinking Sanlu baby formula tainted with melamine, a chemical normally used to make plastics and fertiliser. Investigators said middlemen who bought milk from farmers and sold it on to dairies had watered it down and mixed it with the chemical, which creates the appearance of higher protein levels in quality tests...

Parents had contacted the company to complain as early as the end of 2007. But the scandal was not exposed until September 2008...

The scandal led to the screening of more than 20m babies for kidney problems, officials have said. It triggered a spate of product bans or recalls around the world after melamine was detected in exports such as chocolate, yoghurt and sweets."

— "China to Execute Two over Poisoned Baby Milk Scandal,", Jan. 22, 2009

Jan. 8, 2008 - FDA Approves Cloned Milk for Human Consumption

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its 968 page report "Animal Cloning: A Risk Assessment,” and announced to the public that milk from cloned cows had been approved for human consumption.

In its Jan. 15, 2008 press release announcing the report and its conclusions, the FDA wrote that "meat and milk from clones of cattle, swine, and goats, and the offspring of clones from any species traditionally consumed as food, are as safe to eat as food from conventionally bred animals.”

— FDA issues documents on the Safety of Food from Cloned Animals,", Jan. 15, 2008

Aug. 3, 2011 - Market in Venice, CA Raided by Police for Selling Raw Milk; Three Arrested

"The owner of a Venice health food market and two other people were arrested on charges related to the allegedly unlawful production and sale of unpasteurized dairy products... The arrests of James Cecil Stewart, Sharon Ann Palmer and Eugenie Bloch on Wednesday marked the latest effort in a government crackdown on the sale of so-called raw dairy products. Prosecutors in Los Angeles alleged that Stewart, 64, operates a Venice market called Rawesome Foods through which he illegally sold dairy products that did not meet health standards because they were unpasteurized... Palmer, 51, has operated Healthy Family Farms in Santa Paula since 2007 without the required licensing for milk production, prosecutors allege. She and her company face nine charges related to the production of unpasteurized [raw] milk products. Bloch, a Healthy Family Farms employee, is charged with three counts of conspiracy."

Los Angeles Times, "3 Arrested on Raw-Milk Charges,", Aug. 4, 2011

— LA County Prosecutor Felony Complaint for Arrest Warrant, June 30, 2011

Mar. 2012 - US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Release Report on Dangers of Raw Milk

In March, 2012, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report titled "Nonpasteurized Dairy Products, Disease Outbreaks, and State Laws - United States, 1993-1996," which concluded: "Public health officials at all levels should continue to develop innovative methods to educate consumers and caregivers about the dangers associated with nonpasteurized dairy products. State officials should consider further restricting or prohibiting the sale or distribution of nonpasteurized dairy products within their states. Federal and state regulators should continue to enforce existing regulations to prevent distribution of nonpasteurized dairy products to consumers. Consumption of nonpasteurized dairy products cannot be considered safe under any circumstances."

— United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "Nonpasteurized Dairy Products, Disease Outbreaks, and State Laws - United States, 1993-1996," Mar. 2012

Feb. 24, 2014 - "Got Milk?" Advertising Campaign Dropped, Replaced with "Milk Life"

"Got Milk? Not anymore. The Milk Processor Education Program is sidelining the iconic ad slogan in favor of a new tagline, ’Milk Life,’ which puts emphasis on milk’s nutritional benefits, including its protein content. The change is part of a national campaign launching Monday [Feb. 24, 2014] that seeks to return the sluggish dairy milk category to growth... Protein is ’really in the news and on consumer’s minds,’ said Julia Kadison, interim CEO of MilkPEP. ’But a lot of people don’t know that milk has protein, so it was very important to make that connection between milk and protein’... The nutritional pitch is a very different positioning from the original concept that spurred the creation of ’Got Milk,’ which was to dramatize situations in which consumers suffer without milk to accompany foods like cake and cookies."

— "’Got Milk’ Dropped as National Milk Industry Changes Tactics,", Feb. 24, 2014

2015 - US Sales of Dairy Milk Fall as Non-Dairy Milk Sales Rise

"Driven by negative health perceptions, reduced retail prices and exports and a growing number of non-dairy alternatives, the US dairy milk market has declined in recent years, as new research from Mintel reveals that sales of dairy milk decreased 7 percent in 2015 ($17.8 billion) and are projected to drop another 11 percent through 2020. Seen as a better-for-you (BFY) alternative to dairy milk, non-dairy milk offerings continue to see strong growth, with gains of 9 percent in 2015 to reach $1.9 billion."

— "US Sales of Dairy Milk Turn Sour as Non-Dairy Milk Sales Grow 9% in 2015,", Apr. 20, 2016

June 1, 2016 - Australian Regulators Approve Cold-Pressure Processing as Alternative to Pasteurization

"Unpasteurised milk will appear on shop shelves this week [June 1, 2016], with the food regulator declaring cold pressure as an effective method to kill the harmful bacteria lurking inside.

Sydney company Made by Cow has obtained the approval of the NSW Food Authority to use cold pressure as an alternative to conventional heat pasteurisation and sell ’cold-pressed raw milk’... ’Good herd management, hygienic milking techniques and the cold pressure method have meant we can put 100 per cent safe, raw milk onto supermarket shelves,’ said [company founder] Mr Joye.’The bottles of milk are placed under enormous water pressure, squashed in about 15 per cent, to remove the harmful micro-organisms.’

Selling raw milk for human consumption is illegal in Australia because it contains micro-organisms that can increase the risk of contracting serious illnesses… [but] while the product is labelled ’cold-pressed raw milk’, the NSW Food Authority says it doesn’t recognise it as raw milk because it has undergone ’high pressure processing’ to eliminate pathogens. It worked with Made by Cow for more than a year to ensure the product was safe and suitable for human consumption."

— "’Cold-Pressed Raw Milk’ Method Wins Regulatory Approval,", June 1, 2016

Sep. 25, 2019 - Milk Residue Found in Prehistoric Baby Bottles

"Researchers have uncovered three ceramic, spouted vessels believed to be prehistoric baby bottles. They were found in child graves in Bavaria, two from an Iron Age cemetery dated between 450 and 800 BC and another from a Bronze Age necropolis dated between 800 and 1200 BC, according to a new study [published in the journal Nature].... But for the first time, an analysis of three of these vessels revealed residue associated with animal milk, suggesting these bowls acted like baby bottles used during the weaning process.... The residue contained palmitic and stearic fatty acids associated with animal fat, as well as short-chain fatty acids that are rarely detected in old pottery, according to the study. These acids are usually associated with fresh milk fat. Isotopic analysis also revealed that breast milk was potentially mixed with dairy milk. The researchers believe the animal milk used came from domesticated cattle, goats or sheep. This suggests that the children were being fed animal milk instead of breast milk or being weaned off of breast milk."

— Ashley Strickland, "Prehistoric Baby Bottles Still Have Milk Residue Inside,", Sept. 25, 2019

Jan. 6, 2020 - Two Largest American Dairy Companies File for Bankruptcy

"Borden Dairy Co., one of America’s oldest and largest dairy companies, on Monday [Jan. 6, 2020] became the second major milk producer to file for bankruptcy in the last two months.

Tumbling milk consumption combined with the rising price of milk have crippled the dairy industry with debt. Dean Foods, America’s largest milk producer, filed for bankruptcy November 12 [2019] …

The company said it also has been hurt by broader industry trends, including a 6% drop in overall US milk consumption since 2015. Borden noted that more than 2,700 family dairy farms went out of business last year, and 94,000 have stopped producing milk since 1992."

Chris Isidore, "One of America’s Oldest and Largest Milk Producers Files for Bankruptcy,", Jan. 6, 2020

Apr. 2020 - Dairy Farmers to Dump up to 3.7 Million Gallons of Milk per Day Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to school and restaurant closures during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, demand for milk has dropped sharply. Low demand, combined with processing bottlenecks and grocery store ordering caps, has forced milk farmers to dump milk before it is delivered to processors. Slowing milk production now instead of dumping could result in dairy shortages after the COVID-19 pandemic is over. Zoey Nelson, a sixth-generation dairy farmer, stated, "You can’t shut down cows. You can’t turn them off like a faucet. Just to see it [milk] going down the drain — it’s devastating." The Dairy Farmers of America estimate between 2.7 and 3.7 million gallons of excess milk could be dumped daily.

— Danielle Wiener-Bronner, "Why Dairy Farmers across America Are Dumping Their Milk,", Apr. 15, 2020

— Vaughn Hillyard, Maura Barrett, and Matt Wargo, "Dairy Farmers Forced to Dump Milk as Demand Drops amid Coronavirus Closures,", Apr. 13, 2020

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Discussion Questions

  1. Should humans consume dairy milk? Explain your answer(s).
  2. Because humans do consume dairy milk, how should we mitigate the environmental consequences? Or, do you believe the environmental effects to be an acceptable trade-off for producing milk? Explain your answer(s)
  3. Research the diet of another culture or country. How does it differ from your own? Do they consume dairy? What foods provide essential nutrients for them? Reflect on your answers.

Take Action

  1. Explore the pro-milk site
  2. Watch videos about milk and milk products at Encyclopaedia Britannica.
  3. Analyze “The Scary New Science That Shows Milk Is Bad For You” at Mother Jones.
  4. Consider how you felt about the issue before reading this article. After reading the pros and cons on this topic, has your thinking changed? If so, how? List two to three ways. If your thoughts have not changed, list two to three ways your better understanding of the “other side of the issue” now helps you better argue your position.
  5. Push for the position and policies you support by writing US national senators and representatives.


  1. Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Milk,”, June 15, 2021 “Milk,”, June 15, 2021
  2. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, “Dairy Products,” (accessed Apr. 27, 2022)
  3. Richard P. Evershed, et al., “Earliest Date for Milk Use in the Near East and Southeastern Europe Linked to Cattle Herding,”, Aug. 6, 2008
  4. David K. Bandler and R. Paul Singh, “Dairy Products,”, Apr. 8, 2021
  5. Pauline Osena, “Top 10 Surprising Foods That Contain Dairy,”, Sep. 26, 2016
  6. Kurt Suchman, “Wait, Are Eggs Dairy?,”, Apr. 21, 2021
  7. Amber Charles, “Pasteurized vs. Unpasteurized Foods: What’s the Difference?,”, Mar. 18, 2022
  8. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Pasteurization,”, May 4, 2021
  9. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Homogenization,”, Apr. 20, 2021
  10., “Raw Milk Laws State-by-State,”, Feb. 2, 2018
  11. Matt Hale, “Exploring the Growth of Plant-Based Milk,”, Sep. 23, 2021
  12. USDA, “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025,”, Dec. 2020
  13. National Dairy Council, “13 Ways Milk Can Help Your Body,”, 2021
  14. USDA, “My Plate: Dairy,” (accessed Apr. 28, 2021)
  15. Stephanie Brown, “USDA Recommends 3 Cups of Dairy Per Day. Is It Too Much?,”, Nov. 12, 2021
  16. Jill Riepenhoff, et al., “Deserted: Access to Healthy, Fresh and Affordable Foods Is Elusive for Millions Who Live in Rural America,”, June 14, 2021
  17. William A. Masters and Anna Herforth, “3 Billion People Cannot Afford a Healthy Diet,”, July 9, 2021
  18. National Institutes of Health Institute on Aging, “Healthy Eating As You Age: Know Your Food Groups,”, Feb. 25, 2022
  19. Mahshid Dehghan, et al., “Association of Dairy Intake with Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in 21 Countries from Five Continents (Pure): A Prospective Cohort Study,”, Nov. 24, 2018
  20. Sophie Putka, “Is Milk Bad for You? Here’s What the Science Says, “, Jan. 26, 2021
  21. Emiko Terazono in London and Camilla Hodgson, “How Methane-Producing Cows Leapt to the Frontline of Climate Change,”, Oct. 10, 2021
  22. Kat Smith, “Is Cheese Worse for the Planet Than Beef?,” (accessed May 4, 2022)
  23. Emily Lombardo, “Some Less than Brie-lliant News…,”, May 18, 2021
  24. Tanya Lewis, “The Top 10 Foods with the Biggest Environmental Footprint,”, Sep. 19, 2015
  25. Samuel Webb, “Is Dairy or Meat Worse for the Environment?,”, Oct. 30, 2021
  26. Hannah Ritchie, “Dairy vs. Plant-Based Milk: What Are the Environmental Impacts?,”, Jan. 19, 2022
  27. Christian Løvold Storhaug, Svein Kjetil Fosse, and Lars T. Fadnes, “Country, Regional, and Global Estimates for Lactose Malabsorption in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,”, July 6, 2017 [This article has been retracted by Lancet. We no longer use data from this source.]
  28. Harvard Health Publishing, “The Sweet Danger of Sugar,”, Jan. 6, 2022
  29. Brenda Goodman, “Rethinking Milk: Science Takes On the Dairy Dilemma,”, Feb. 14, 2020
  30. Congressional Research Service (CRS), “Animal Waste and Water Quality: EPA’s Response to the Waterkeeper Alliance Court Decision on Regulation of CAFOs,”  Sep. 20, 2006
  31. Congressional Research Service (CRS), “Food Biotechnology in the United States: Science, Regulation, and Issues,”  Jan. 19, 2001
  32. Douglas H. Goff, “Clarification and Cream Separation,” (accessed Aug. 18, 2008)
  33. The Family Farm Project, “Farm School: Time to Milk,” (accessed Sep. 28, 2007)
  34. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Livestocks Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options,”  2006
  35. Parmalat Australia Ltd., “Student Info: How Milk is Made,” (accessed Sep. 28, 2007)
  36. USDA, “2019 Milk Production,”, Feb. 2020
  37. USDA, “Farm Milk Production,”, Nov. 12, 2019
  38. USDA, “Milk Production,”, Mar. 19, 2020
  39. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, “Food Sources of Calcium,”, 2019
  40. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements, “Calcium,”, June 2, 2022