
Samuel S. Epstein, MD, Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, stated in the Aug. 29, 2006 press release titled "Hormonal Milk Poses Greater Risks Than Just Twinning," to support his book What's In Your Milk?:

“Hormonal milk contains up to ten-fold increased levels of the natural Insulin-like Growth Factor, known as IGF… Hormonal milk is very different than natural milk. Hormonal milk is often contaminated with pus cells, resulting from mastitis in cows due to hyperstimulation of milk production, and also with antibiotics used to treat the mastitis. Other abnormalities include increased fatty acids, which are incriminated in heart disease.

More serious are major risks of breast, colon, and prostate cancers due to increased IGF levels in hormonal milk. Evidence for this has been documented in about 50 scientific publications over the past three decades… A less well-recognized risk is evidence that IGF blocks natural, self-destructive, defense mechanisms against early submicroscopic cancers, technically known as apoptosis.”

Aug. 29, 2006