
Karl Michaƫlsson, MD, PhD, Professor of Medical Epidemiology at Uppsala University (Sweden), et al., in an Oct. 27, 2014 article for the British Medical Journal titled "Milk Intake and Risk of Mortality and Fractures in Women and Men: Cohort Studies," wrote:

“Among women in the Swedish Mammography Cohort, with analysis based on repeated exposure measurements, we observed a positive association between milk intake and total mortality…

Milk consumption corresponding to three or more glasses of milk a day (mean 680 g a day) compared with less than one glass a day (mean 60 g a day), was associated with… [increased] cardiovascular mortality…

Men in the Cohort of Swedish Men also had a higher rate of death with higher milk consumption. However, the excess risk was less pronounced than in women… [consumption of] three or more glasses of milk a day (mean 830 g a day) compared with less than one glass a day (mean 50 g a day) and was mainly associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular death.”

Oct. 27, 2014