
John E. Deasy, PhD, Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District stated the following in an Apr. 26, 2011 letter to the members of the Los Angeles Board of Education, available at the Los Angeles Times website:

“I am recommending the elimination of flavored milk with added sugars in all LAUSD schools in anticipation of the renewal of milk contracts by the Board of Education on June 14, 2011. This change will benefit our students by offering them only milk products that lack the higher amounts of added sugars…

LAUSD cares deeply about student nutrition and our goal is to be the premier school food establishment in America. LAUSD is already a recognized national leader in the effort to promote healthy food and lifestyles to combat diabetes, obesity and other health issues – including the banning of sodas and other drinks high in sugar… the elimination of flavored milk with added sugars further strengthens the District’s goal of providing a balanced nutritious meal for all students. Added sugars in our flavored milk products provide an additional 6 to 13 grams of sugars to the milk products served to our students. With the increasing rates of obesity and diabetes of our student population, it is necessary that the District make this decision to promote healthy outcomes for our students.”

[Editor’s Note: On Tuesday June 14, 2011, the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education voted 5-2 to remove flavored milk from its menus. The 2018-2019 school year, saw a reversal of this ban with the LAUSD allowing all schools to offer low-fat flavored milk during school lunches, breakfasts, and as snacks.] Apr. 26, 2011