Top Pro & Con Arguments


Dairy milk is an easy, nutritional drink that is available almost everywhere.

“Milk and dairy foods tend to be affordable and accessible food choices for meeting some nutrients of public health concerns, meaning nutrients we tend to not get enough of—specifically calcium, vitamin D, and potassium,” explains Debbie Petitpain, a registered dietician and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. [15]

While calcium is found in a number of other foods, those products can be difficult to obtain and prepare, especially for people living in low-access areas or who are on budgets. For example, an article lists the following calcium-rich foods: “collards, kale, turnips, mustard greens, bok choy, chia seeds, tahini, almond butter, and edamame.” Just about every store that sells any food will have milk. But how many sell tahini, asks Brown? And how many rushed parents know what to do with chia seeds? How many kids (or adults) will eat turnips? [15]

Further, quite a few people do not have regular access to fresh produce, eliminating at least five of the nine options above. People living in Robertson County, Kentucky, were limited to buying food at a gas station, a convenience store, or a dollar store where fresh food options are severely limited. Dairy milk products are one of the most healthful foods those residents have regular access to. [16]

At least 40% of the world’s population (about three billion people) could not afford to eat healthfully before the COVID-19 pandemic, a percentage likely higher post-pandemic due to price spikes, supply-line disturbances, and other disruptions. Rallying against an easy, nutritious staple such as milk makes no sense. [17]

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